DASH Diet Effectively Lower Blood Pressure and Weight Loss

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DASH Diet Effectively Lower Blood Pressure and Weight Loss


U.S. News & World Report 's diet has released a number of trends that will be popular this year . In addition to some of the diets , health experts also recommend the DASH diet . This diet is effective for weight loss without side effects .

Initially the DASH diet ( Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension ) was created not to lose weight , but to lower blood pressure . This diet recommends culprit megonsumsi enough potassium , calcium , protein , and fiber . Intake of calories , fat , and sodium should also be restricted .

This diet tops as the best diet version of U.S. News & World Report 's as easy to do , help you lose weight and blood pressure , and has no side effects .

" The DASH Diet is very good because it is proven in accordance with the recommendation of nutrition . This diet focuses on the consumption of a balanced nutrient -rich foods , such as fruits and vegetables , lean protein , nuts , healthy fats , and dairy products and whole grains, "said Sarah - Jane Bedwell , RD , a nutritionist as .

Another advantage of this diet is the culprit still be eating sweet foods , of course, in reasonable portions . This allows the DASH diet for longer applied by the perpetrator .

One thing that is a little complicated than this diet is the culprit should check the sodium content on a regular basis . " There are foods that have naturally contain sodium and some foods were added sodium . I think it is more important than reducing salt intake to avoid sodium in some food , "said Bedwell .
Written by: Oktavia Lee
Madamvia, Updated at: 10:10 PM

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