Results: Strange Ways to Fix Your Memory

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Results: Strange Ways to Fix Your Memory


A recent study revealed a strange way to improve memory just by clenching your hands . If you want to strengthen the memory , make a fist with your right hand , and to remember something clench your right hand . As reported by the Daily News .

Quoted by the NY Daily News , the researchers divided 51 volunteers who use the right hand to move in a different group to do something that involves memory and recall 72 words .One group was made ​​up their right hands for 90 seconds before being given a list of words that should they remember and then balled up again after being given the words that they have to remember .

The second group did the same activity but clenched his left hand . The third group did not clench their hands , while others clench their left hand before remembering the words and clenching their right hand before remembering the words . The last group to do the same , but the activity of the hand was played .

The group is the first good considering clenched right hand followed by a left hand ." This discovery provides a depiction of the body movement and then alter brain function and improve its capabilities, " wrote researcher Ruth Propper , of Montclair State University , United States ( U.S. ) .

Clenched right hand activate brain associated memory storage while clenching his left hand to activate regions in the brain to recall .
Written by: Oktavia Lee
Madamvia, Updated at: 1:27 AM

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