Revealing Facts Chocolate for Health Benefits

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Revealing Facts Chocolate for Health Benefits


Really good chocolate consumed ?

There is always a debate when talking about the benefits of chocolate , good and bad for health . Even so , this sweet snack fans do not kick the habit , enjoy indulging in chocolate .

But recent research has shown that chocolate , when consumed in reasonable amounts , can actually provide tremendous benefits for your health .

As reported by the Times of India , chocolates to help you feel better emotionally and increase endorphins body of work , which is also good for the heart .

Chocolate also has long been believed to be good for relieving stress . In fact studies have confirmed that chocolate contains certain acids that help relax the mind , plus the sugar in chocolate helps in reducing stress .

And the best part is , the chocolate does not make you fat . According to research carried out a doctor from the United States , Dr. Beatrice Golomb turns calories in chocolate composition has an important influence on weight gain . Calorie and nutrient content in chocolate stimulates the metabolism of the body to work harder , thus more perfect fat burning process .

Research conducted on 927 respondents consisting of men and women has resulted in some surprising, because respondents who have a habit of eating brown own a body mass index that is lighter when compared to respondents who rarely or do not eat chocolate .

This means that the chocolate had no effect on weight gain body mass . In fact research shows that this is precisely the content of epicatechin in chocolate can increase the number of mitochondria in charge of burning . Epicatechin is what plays a role in weight loss .
Written by: Oktavia Lee
Madamvia, Updated at: 10:51 PM

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