In this advanced-paced era, the need for a comfortable home, an efficient and practical is very high. Especially considering the activities of each individual person is very high outside the home and time to gather with family chatting is reduced. Therefore, it is necessary design the perfect home for your family. Today there are various design houses began to enter the property market. Among them are very much in demand is home to the concept or design minimalist home. This minimalist home design stems from a modern home design with a more modest development is also in the room interior. Many people say minimalist style show perspective depicting the lifestyle of today who have a tendency to rapid, practical, efficient and effective in all respects.
Actually, what is called a minimalist home about it? If considered in terms of the shape of the building, then the character of minimalist home can be seen in something like the following:
Every meeting of the field it will show the elbow perpendicular, The presence of construction or a straight line with a flat surface, There is repetition module, Construction for shaped volume metrics, Consecutive interior shape and has many functions, Have air circulation and lighting compact, The latter is a system structure is neat and clear
In addition to the above matters, minimalist design more emphasis on aesthetic and functional approaches are characterized by the presence of specific rooms are designed with a high degree of flexibility and good. In principle prefer the minimalist house also prefer the simplicity and accuracy of its functions.
That is, that it can be said that a good minimalist home is one that has the design or interior and exterior design as simple or as minimum as possible. The thing to note is minimal at:
1. A Minimum of Furniture.
A minimalist house will only be in the contents of the furniture or furniture that is adapted to the function and place only. For example, a living room, only contains a set of table and chairs or a sofa set only. Excessive thing is when we put a vase of flowers or a tablecloth that has a lot of detail. For the living room in a minimalist house ideally contain only television with rugs and large cushions. For the bedroom is usually only contain simple bed that does not consume a lot of space, can be added with a simple dressing table atupun bookshelf. You can not usually go add some detail or trinkets in the bedroom house minimalist house minimalist because it has an area of very limited.
2. Paint the Walls are clean.
In a minimalist home, the walls with bright colors or with patterns that regularly is a must, except in one or two decorations alone. In a minimalist home is usually no baubles decorations on the walls, so it felt very aesthetically more spacious. As much as possible get rid of items that are less functionality.
3. Decoration.
Clean does not mean your home decor or no detail at all and seem boring. You can choose the decorations such as paintings or craft simple but artistic, you can also install the wallpaper simple motifs and colors, has a regular pattern and do not have a lot of color.
4. Choose Quality over Quantity.
This means that here is instead of having a lot of stuff in your house, minimalist principles will only select a few items that you really need and means to you.
However the model or design minimalist interior and exterior of your home, the most important is still the preferred function of each room and do not forget the aesthetic value.
Written by: Oktavia Lee
Madamvia, Updated at: 4:04 AM
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