Desk Definition is :
- A bit of piece of furniture generally having a flat or sloping high for writing and sometimes drawers or compartments.
- A table, counter, or booth at that such that services or functions ar performed: associate degree info desk; a counter.
- (Furniture) a bit of piece of furniture with a piece surface and frequently drawers or alternative compartments
- (Furniture) a service counter or table in an exceedingly public building, like a hotel: info table.
- A piece of writing of piece of furniture having a broad, usu. level, writing surface, further as drawers or compartments for papers, writing materials, etc.
- A frame for supporting a book from that the service is browse in an exceedingly church.
- The section of an outsized organization, as a newspaper, having responsibility for specific operations: town table.
- A table or counter, as in an exceedingly library or workplace, at that a particular job is performed or a service offered: the data table.
- A stand wont to support opus.
- Of a size or kind appropriate to be used on a desk: a dictionary.
- Done at or supported a table, as in associate degree workplace or schoolroom: a table job.
Written by: Oktavia Lee
Madamvia, Updated at: 9:18 PM
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